"In friendship through flowers"

🌸 Dear friends, 🌸
We are honored to invite you to the first edition of the Bucharest Ikebana Festival, between October 17-20, 2024, at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (Bd. Mărăști 59).
Ikebana, also known as Kadō 華道 - The Way of Flowers, is a traditional Japanese art with deep roots in the 6th century, inspired by Zen and Shintoism, expressing the love for nature and beauty of Japanese culture.www.ikebanaromania.org, or contact us at ikebanaintlbucharest@yahoo.com.
Thank you for sharing and we can't wait to enjoy this celebration of flowers together! 🌸

🌸 Dear friends, 🌸
We are honored to invite you to the first edition of the Bucharest Ikebana Festival, between October 17-20, 2024, at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (Bd. Mărăști 59).
Ikebana, also known as Kadō 華道 - The Way of Flowers, is a traditional Japanese art with deep roots in the 6th century, inspired by Zen and Shintoism, expressing the love for nature and beauty of Japanese culture.www.ikebanaromania.org, or contact us at ikebanaintlbucharest@yahoo.com.
Thank you for sharing and we can't wait to enjoy this celebration of flowers together! 🌸
🎋 What awaits you at the festival?
* Live Ikebana demonstrations
* Exhibitions of floral arrangements
* Workshops held by renowned masters from Japan and Europe
* Special guests include Rumiko Matsumura Sensei (Riji degree, highest degree of Sogetsu school - Japan) and Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei (Somu degree, founder of Ikebana Club - Belgium)
* Traditional Japanese Arts - Yukiko Tanaka Sensei from Kyoto will delight us with a presentation on Japanese aesthetics and culture, including the Tea Ceremony and the art of the Kimono. Itsuko Kasahara Sensei from Tokyo will reveal to us the secrets of Yūzen art 友禅 - painting on silk, through an interactive workshop.
📅 Workshop places are limited, so please book early!
For further details and registration, visit our website
17-20 OCTOBER 2024
14 OCT
Arrival of teachers and participants
To register for the workshops and for more information, we kindly ask you to write to us at ikebanaintlbucharest@yahoo.com. Thank you!
15 OCT
Workshops all day and live demonstrations for the festival visitors
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei - Large arrangements / Installations part 1 – group work
14:00 – 16:00
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei - Large arrangements / Installations part 2 – group work
16 OCT
16:00 - 18:00
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei - Demonstration skills Workshop
18:00 - 20:00
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei - Arranging from behind Workshop
17 OCT
17:00 - Official opening
Demonstration of:
Matsumura Rumiko Sensei - Japan
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei - Belgium
Karen Madigan - USA
Lena Pahlman - Sweden
Birgitta Lonnerberg - Sweden
Marianne Dufraisse – France
Sanda Lazur, Alina Alexandru, Andreea Georgescu, Florentina Vinica Barbu – Romania
The resulting arrangements will be displayed in an Ikebana exhibition at the Rectorate, along with kimono, obi, yuzen etc.
Ending - Recital of Sound Choir
Sound Choir - Students' Culture House from Bucharest
18 OCT
10:00 – 12:00
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei - No Kenzan – finding inner balance Workshop
14:00 -16:00
Ekaterina Sensei – Harvest arrangements Workshop
18:00 - 20:00
Ekaterina Seehaus Sensei – Mass, Colour, Line Workshop
19 OCT
10:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 15:00
Kasahara Itsuko Sensei – Yuzen Workshop
16:00 -18:00
Matsumura Rumiko Sensei: Beginners - Nageire Workshop
Tanaka Yukiko Sensei:
Japanese Culture Lecture and Sencha tasting
The official ending of the Festival
20 OCT
Trip to Sinaia / Peleș Castle with the teachers and participants

My personal Ikebana history
7-28-2 Okusawa, Setagayaku, Tokyo
- 1972 - Took Teaching Certificate 4th grade through the late Mrs. Setsuri Akagi, continuing taking advanced Teaching Certificates year by year.
- 1986 - Opened an Ikebana Class “Kabo UOE” for Japanese people and foreigners: they were American, Australian, Austrian, Belgian, Canadian, Chinese, English, German, Indian, Korean, Madagascan, Malaysian and New Zealander.
- 1998-'99 - Had an Ikebana Class in Oxford, U.K.
- 2003 - Joined Ikebana International. Worked for Hqs and for Tokyo Founding Chapter as one of Directors for 12 years. Worked for I.I. World Convention as Board member every five year. Attended at I.I. Asian and European Regional Conferences.
- 2003-'04 - Did Ikebana demonstrations at the Women's Club in Cambridge Univ. U.K.
- 2010 - Took “Riji”, the highest degree of Teaching Certificate.
- 2012-'13 - Stayed in Leipzig, Germany. Had an Ikebana class for florists in Leipzig, Germany.
- 2012 - Held an Ikebana exhibition with two Polish friends in Warsaw, Poland.
- 2013 – Was dispatched to Orenburg, Russia to have Ikebana demonstrations at Orenburg University and at the Tourist Center sponsored by Japan-Russia Society of Tokyo.
- 2015-'18 - Taught Ikebana to students at Oyamadai State Junior High School in Tokyo.

・What`s Yuzen?
It is painting on kimono.
300 years ago, Miyazaki Yuzensai, a Kyoto fan painter, came up with the idea.
The method is to put glue on the outline and then add color to it, called Itome Yuzen.
・My Yuzen
I mainly do wireless Yuzen, which is a type of Yuzen where I paint directly onto the fabric.
I come up with the pattern, create the design, paint it, and do the finishing touches. I do it all.
Once I paint something, it doesn't disappear, so I can't make mistakes.

Owner and artist at ikebanaPRO Floral Art Studio, Grimbergen, Belgium
Member of: Sogetsu Teachers Association, Ikebana International, “Azalea” group
Ikebana Gallery Board member
Boom TV expert
Thursd. Floral industry platform contributor

From Kyoto, Japan.
• Kyoto College of Foreign Studies
• YWCA Osaka Japanese Language Teacher Course
She is a Japanese language teacher and has been working as a teacher for many years, in Japan and abroad, in Hungary and Poland.
She is Japanese traditional Tea Ceremony teacher and also Saga Goryu Ikebana teacher.
She is a member of Ikebana International Bucharest Chapter and she will be in Romania from September till December 2024, with the objective to teach Japanese language for people in Bucharest, Romania, within the University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine, USAMVB, and have cultural exchange also through Ikebana.
Ce este Ikebana
Ikebana este arta tradițională japoneză de aranjare a florilor. Termenul "ikebana" provine din cuvintele japoneze "ikeru" (a trăi) și "hana" (floare), și se traduce adesea ca "a da viață florilor."
Membri Ikebana
Cei care învață și practică arta aranjării florilor pot fi numiți "membri" ai unei școli sau ai unui grup de Ikebana. Acești membri variază de la începători până la maeștri recunoscuți.
Ikebana international
Ikebana International este o organizație globală dedicată promovării artei tradiționale japoneze de aranjare a florilor, cunoscută sub numele de Ikebana. Fondată în 1956 la Tokyo, organizația a fost creată pentru a aduce împreună oameni din diferite culturi și naționalități care împărtășesc un interes comun pentru această formă de artă.